INVL Global Sustainable Equity

Data for the selected period
EUR ()
EUR ()
Annual return equivalent

Investment basket

Start date: 01.07.2022

Risk level: 5

A product with a sustainable investment objective that meets the requirements of Article 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).


The assets are invested in investment objects linked to the world equity market: stocks, exchange-traded funds, index funds or other objects that invest in global equity markets, taking sustainability themes into account. Proportion of alternative investments may represent up to 30% of the assets. In order to reduce the investment risk in the event of adverse market conditions, part of the assets may be invested in money market instruments, money market funds, deposits with a maturity of 12 months or less.

Detailed information


  • 100,00% MSCI World Climate Change Net Total Return USD Index (MXWOCLNU Index) (converted to EUR)

Largest holdings

Data as of 30.09.2024:

  • JPM Carbon Transition Global Equity (CTB) UCITS ETF | IE00BMDWYZ92 | 98,70 %

The policyholder shall choose at his/her own discretion the investment line(s) to which the policyholder’s capital is linked to be accumulated under the investment insurance contracts offered by Gyvybės draudimo UAB “SB draudimas” Estonian Branch (“the Insurer”). The Policyholder is responsible for the decisions made and, therefore, before concluding an investment insurance contract or selecting investment lines, must carefully read the insurance rules, the Key Information Documents of the investment lines, the rules of the investment lines, the deductibles applicable to the contract (price list) and other information prepared by the Insurer on the terms and conditions of the insurance contract and on the risks inherent in the contract. The policyholder bears the risk of investment and the risk of depreciation or loss of the invested funds. The historical return on units of a unit trust is not a reliable indicator of future returns and does not guarantee future performance. The value of a unit in an investment line can go up or down, the policyholder may recover less than he/she has invested, lose a significant part of the funds invested or lose all the funds invested. The insurer or any other manager of the investee (the ‘investment manager’) shall not be liable for changes in the value of the unit. Although the information published is based on sources believed to be reliable, the Insurer shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or losses that may be incurred by policyholders relying on it. This information shall not be construed as a recommendation, suggestion or solicitation to enter into an insurance contract or to choose specific investment lines.