Sustainability related information

The impact of climate change on the environment is a major challenge of our time. Countries around the world are struggling to limit climate change, halt biodiversity loss and environmental degradation. Sustainable investing refers to specific investment approaches that aim to earn long-term financial returns while promoting sustainable choices and outcomes. Sustainable investment leads to sustainable economic activity. It can support economic growth while reducing negative impacts environmental impacts while taking into account social and governance aspects. In this way, sustainable investment contributes to climate and environmental protection and social well-being.

SB draudimas  has signed the Principles of Responsible Investments (PRI) initiative, which aims to integrate ESG factors into investment decision-making and engagement practices.

Our aim is to pursue the objectives of sustainable investment and to contribute to social well-being and sustainable development by taking into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, implementing active inclusion and negative monitoring, and adhering to the principles of sustainable investment.

Environmental factors can include climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation and pollution prevention, circular economy, etc. Social factors may include inequalities, issues promoting social cohesion, social inclusion and labour relations, or investment in human capital or in economically or socially disadvantaged communities etc. Good governance can include topics such as diversity in corporate governance structures, the fight against corruption and bribery, tax transparency, relations with employees, compliance with employee remuneration and tax obligations, etc.

Responsible investing and sustainability risk integration policy

Gyvybes draudimo UAB “SB draudimas”‘s approach to sustainability risks and the associated value creation opportunities in investment decision making is described by responsible investing and sustainability risk integration policy. The aim of the policy is to establish a framework for own funds and assets under management in order to take into account the objectives of responsible investment, relevant laws and management standards.

The policy has been prepared in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council on sustainability related disclosure regulations in the financial services sector (SFDR).

Responsible investing and sustainability risk integration policy

Assessment of the main adverse impact of sustainability factors which are not taken into account when making investment decisions

Negative impacts are the effects of investment decisions that lead to negative impacts on sustainability factors.

Statement on the assessment of the main adverse affects on sustainability

Sustainability in SB draudimas products

SB draudimas manages different types of assets (such as equity, fixed-income, money market and cash equivalents, alternative investments) through different types of legal forms (such as pension funds, investment funds, private equity, real estate and alternative funds, investment baskets, discretionary portfolio management, own book investments). The integration of addressing sustainability risk and principles for particular Fund might depend on the type of assets, strategy, term of investment.

Although SB draudimas has integrated the assessment of ESG factors and their risks into its investment decision-making procedures, the main negative impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors, as defined in the regulation, is not taken into account. An exception is the INVL Global Sustainable Equity investment basket.

INVL Global Sustainable Equity pre-contractual product disclosure for financial product: Global Sustainable Equity pre-contractual product disclosure for financial products

Sustainability information on the investment basket is available on the investment basket page: INVL Global Sustainable Equity investment basket sustainability information

Sustainability priority categories

Under the current regulation, a client’s sustainability preferences are understood as the client’s preference for one of three categories or a combination thereof:

  • A financial instrument that invests in environmentally sustainable economic activities. Environmentally sustainable economic activities contribute significantly to one or more environmental objectives;
  • A financial instrument that invests in sustainable economic activity,
  • A financial instrument that takes into account negative impacts on sustainability factors such as the environment, social and employee welfare, respect for human rights, and the fight against corruption and bribery.

Description of the sustainability priority categories